A full programme is planned for 2024/25 and members are re-joining with enthusiasm.

Most activities are now in the afternoon and are very well attended, so get there early.




2024 - 2025  Session 


4th February           Member, David Collier, assisted members to create a picture of water. Members brought their own photo to work from and David circulated giving advice, ideas and encouragement.  David is one of our longest standing and most exprienced members.

21st January          Professional artist, Jill Illiffe led a demonstration and workshop on painting a portrait in oils. This gave members a chance to get out their oil paints and have a go. Everyone produced a work that pleased them.

7th January  The new year started with a pastel workshop led by our secretary, Yvonne Bromley.  She started with an explanation of pastel techniques and materials, then led us through a pastel painting of a calf. Everyone enjoyed it as you can seen from the photos below.


The Christmas Party   Tuesday 10th December.  See the Party page for report and photos

Our Exhibition  16th and 17th November     There was a great display of varied and high quality paintings which were enjoyed by visitors and members. The convivial atmosphere was maintained from previous years. The number of paintings submitted was down on the last couple of years and sales were also slightly down. Footfall was near to previous years aided by good weather. The experience was greatly aided by the collaboration with Rowlands Castle WI Winter Fair who offered refreshment and sales in the small hall. Gary Miller was voted 'Best in Show' by visitors and was presented with the new cup.

12th November   -  Wendy Jelbert    Wendy helped us paint poppies and other flowers showing us various techniques.that she used. We all tried something new and produced some good results.

15th October    -   Sharon Hurst      This was the first professional workshop of the new session.  Stewart Becket was unfortunately not available due to illness, but we were lucky that Sharon Hurst could step in. Sharon took us through the painting of a portrait.  She gave us a photograth to work from and guided  us through the drawing and painting. She showed us colour choice, blending and detailing.  There was not enough time to produce a finished painting, but we all learnt a lot a great deal and had a fun afternoon.

Outdoor Painting 2024

The Summer Outdoor Painting Season was very busy with something happening every week, weather permitting. Below are a selection of photos. (not in date order)

                          Barbara                         Painters by Holly Hill                       Steve Driver


                            Stansted Garden  (Gill M    Chawton House (Steve D) 19 June

          St Mary's Church  Buriton   24 Aug         Paynes boatyard (Steve D) 16 July              Slipper Millpond

                 Slipper Millpond   30  July   by      Mary de Kerk,       Steve Driver    and      Terry Devaney 

May 14th        The last workshop of the winter session was run by our retired chairman Barbara Wood.  She invited members to design a pub sign following  the ideas and tips that she gave. It was a good way for members to finish the session with a relaxed and friendly fun afternoon.  

May 7th        Dave White did an evening demonstration. He concentrated on technique, materials and construction. Everybody in the hall put up their hands when asked if they had learned anything new,

April 30th        Silver Cup Evening.  Everyone enjoyed a relaxed and fun evening.  See the  Silver Cup page for the photos.     And the winners list with runners up.


March 29th      AGM  Yvonne Bromley gamely volunteerer for the Secretary post and was duly elected. Wendy Carpenter is our new tea lady or 'tea angel' as she likes to be called. Flower plants were presented to the retiring Secretary - Terry Devaney, Art Mart organiser- Joyce Quinn and Tea lady - Carol Milford.

After the formalities everyone enjoyed tea, cakes and a chat,


March 5th        Roger Dellar Professional Evening Demonstration.      Roger always astounds us with his demonstrations where he takes us through every step of producing an oil painting and this was no exception. An enthralling evening!


February 20th     Professional workshop by Anne Chadwick.       Anne demonstrated painting a portrait in pastel. This is a difficult subject which Anne was able to help everyone with.


February  6th    Members workshop by Steve Driver.      Steve led a workshop on drawing and painting buildings, He explained about sketching, colour choice, detailing and other aspects. There was a good attendance as usual for workshops.

January 23rd Professional Workshop by Barbara Whitbourn.       Barbara gave a lot of background and ideas on loosening up and distilling the essentials of a painting. Everyone had a go and found it great fun.


January 9th  Member's workshop.      John Davis led members through 2 paintings of sunset skies. He advised on colours and techniques, with the usual varied results from members. Very informative and fun.



News   2023

December 12th   The Christmas Party

The evening party was as good as ever and everyone enjoyed it, but unfortunately, a number of members were not well or put off by the poor weather. Members brought lots of food and Jan Croker had arranged plenty of drink. We had  a variety of games and quizzes, organised by member's husband, Andy Williams, and up to the usual high standard. Paddy Holmes, our Patron, presented the prizes for Original Christmas Card - Pauline Davis, Holiday Painting - John Davis and Photograph of a Door - Barbara Wood. There were lots of fab prizes for the raffle.

Finally we had a surprise visit from Father Christmas, courtesy of Charles Howard, who gave a bag of goodies to everyone.


November 18th and 19th  OUR EXHIBITION  2023

This year's exhibition was yet another great success due to the collaboration with the RC WI. We had over 400 visitors who viewed nearly 150 paintings and folios (unframed). 22 paintings were sold and cards were as popular as ever. The tombola raised nearly £200 (a record). All the hard work by helpers and stewards made it a really enjoyable event.

Shown below are Edward Girard winner of the 'Best in Show' award, Barbara and Terry on the Tombola, stewards Gill, Sandra and Sally, Martin Gebbett the exhibition organiser and finally the brilliant WI Fair in the small hall serving high class teas and cakes and selling Christmas gifts.

November 14th. Member Yvonne Bromley demonstrated pastel technique. Most members followed her portrait of a dog but some had their own similar material. Another great workshop!


November 7th    Sharon Hurst demonstrated how to paint a snow scene in watercolour.  She took us through each step of creating a watercolour painting including colour choice, brush technique and splattering.


October 25th    Professional Workshop.  Charcoal Portrait as demonstrated and led by  Sue Cooper.


June and July  2023    Summer Painting    

 Below are photos from  Bosham  27th June,      Bob Payne surrounded by entertainers at Porchester Castle 4th July,    Langstone  18th July       and  Stansted walled garden  25th July



16th May  2023       Heather Jolliffe   Professional workshop


25th April 2023  -  Silver Cup Evening.   was a great success

See the dedicated       Silver Cup Page        and  the  full list of      winners and runner-ups

18th April  2023   -  James Ward member's workshop   James  demonstrated artistic sign writing and members enjoyed  trying a number of different styles. 


 28th March  -   Our 2023  AGM         There was very good attendance of members. A change was made to the rules to remove positions of Principal and Vice Principal and add 2 committee members 'without portfolio'. Barbara Wood resigned as Chaiman after 10 years in the post. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Pat Hoper. Gill Merrett (Chairman), Sandra Ellis (Vice Chairman), and Charles Howard were elected. See the full committee on the Committee Page.        Martin Gebbett gave a short talk on picture framing then everyone enjoyed a chat over tea and cakes.


14th March 2023  -  Members Workshop by Bob Payne          Bob led us through the painting of a dog in acrylic.  He supplied photos of his dog Poppy and some members brought their own favourite photos to work from. Most members ended with a nearly finished painting and a lot of new knowledge of acrylic technique.


28th February 2023  Roger Dellar - an interior painting in oil.

 Roger has been to us to demonstrate his skills on mamy ocasions with varied medium and subjects. Below you can see how he progressd from a sketch to a finished painting in under 2 hours.


14th February 2023     RCPS member Yvonne Bromley demonstrated pastel technique with a large number of members following her guidance. She led us through her preparation, materials and drawing, then everyone did their own copy of the fox photo she had provided.

24thJanuary 2023    Sharon Hurst led a professional workshop. There was a usual high number of members present, who were introduced to new interesting watercolour techniques.

6th December  2022   -  Our  Christmas Party.

A good number of members braved the cold to enjoy an excelent evening.  There were competitions for the best handmade Christmas card, best holiday painting and best shadow themed photograph. The games were desighed to stretch the braincells ; identify, the famous painting, unusual photo and object. There was a magnificent spread of food brought by members with wine and drinks to wash it down. This year the food was in the main hall which worked well by keeping the party contained. The raffle prizes were presented by our Patron, Paddy Holmes.


19th and 20th November  2022 - Our EXHIBITION and SALE

The exhibition of member's work was a great success, with 150 paintings displayed and 20 sold. Cards were also very popular with visitors. The success was helped tremendously, for the 2nd year, by collaboration with Rowlands Castle WI who ran refreshments and their Winter Fair in the small hall. The double event curtainly attracts the public.

The photos below show the exhibition organiser Martin Gebbett and some of the hard working stewards who helped the event run smoothly. Barbara Wood, our chaiman, raised more money than ever  on the Tombola. The presentation and hanging of paintings was done with their ususal attention to detail by Nicky Verracchia and Terry Devaney. .Edward Girard shaired the organisation of the event and liased with the WI to make the combined event work so well..

Edward Girard's painting was voted 'Best in Show' by visitors and his certificate was presented by our Patron, Paddy Holmes.


8th November  2022       Member John Davis led us through painting a toucan. First we warmed up with a cartoon version then tried to capture the bright colours of real birds. Finally; a bit of fun painting 'The Grinch'


1st November  2022     David White Demonstration / Workshop.  David took us through step by step painting of breaking waves in acrylic. The hall was full with fascinated members who enjoyed every minute.

4th October. 2022    Start of new season with a still life workshop to get back in the swing of painting.


2022 Summer Outdoor Painting Season Some of the outings are shown below.

 20th September  2022 -  Milton Lock - the final outside painting.    Paintings by Bob Payne and Sandra Ellis

 2nd August   2022             Brook Meadows, Emsworth


26th July   2022        Petersfield Lake

12th July  2022       Warblington Church


14th May  2022   50th Anniversary of the Society    -  see   Anniversary Page    for more photos

10th May 2022  Chichester Canal  and  17th May  Hunstan   Pictures by Bob Payne and Gill Merrett


5th April  2022 Silver Cup Evening   -   see the full results and pictures     HERE

8th March  2022  Bob Payne's full day workshop

22nd March.2022 - Curtis Tappenden entertained us with a slideshow and background about circus and his interest in it . He then demonstratedand the drawings and paintings technique that he uses live at the ringside. Fascinating!

And 8th March  2022              Bob Payne's portrait workshop


22nd February 2022  Jonathan Newey gave an afternoon demonstration and workshop on pen and ink and watercolour pencil.  The hall was full, almost to overflowing, with members who were keen to try a new technique and medium. Jonathan nade it an interesting and productive afternoon for all.


25th January. 2022   John Davis lead a workshop about colour in the afternoon.  And Roger Dellar demonstrated an oil painting in the evening, with his usual interesting commentary throughout. Both were well attended.




11th January 2022    A workshop by David Collier who lead on a mixed media painting.



7th December 2021  -  Our Christmas party

The Christmas Party was well attended by members and friends. Food and drink was provided and rapidly consumed. Some members entered the original Christmas card, summer flower photo and holiday painting competitions. Paddy Holmes, our Patron, presented the prizes to the three winners. The raffle was popular and made some money for the society funds. There were also fun competitioms for everyone to join in.

16th November 2021
Martin Gebbett ran a workshop on perspective which was well attended.

6th and 7th November   2021      OUR AUTUMN 2021 EXHIBITION

After a long wait since the last exhibition, the weekend was a great success.   We had about 400 visitors, half of them on Saturday morning. 134  paintings and 23 folios were exhibited. 31 paintings and folios were sold for a total of £1830. Cards were also popular with £350 of sales.

Gary Miller was awarded 'Best in Show' by the public vote. He just pipped Edward Girrard who was a very close 2nd. As usual the Tombola was popular and made £150 profit.

This year we collaborated with the Rowlands Castle W.I. who ran their Autumn Fair in the small hall at the same time. They provided all the catering and sold Chistmassy food and wares. This collaboration  was considered agreat sucess.




2nd November   2021      

Neil Marshall gave a talk and slide show about his historic paintings, mainly of Portsmouth and Gosport.  He explained about his research for each painting and techniques used in painting.              
His website - www.neilmarshallart.co.uk

19th October  2021   Demonstration and workshop by Gary Miller of watercolour snow scene                 

12th October  2021

 Life Group restarts.

The afternoon is very well attended. The portrate option is always popular and the life model is back.


September 28th  2021    AGM          The AGM was very well attended. Tea and cake with a chat was available ,

    Gill Dollery retired as Principal and Barbara Wood presented her with a bouquet  of flowers in recognition of her many years of service to the society.

    Terry Devaney resigned as Vice Chairman, but took up the post of Secretary.  Joan Burnett has joined the committee as Principal and Jan Roblin retired as Media Correspondent. This job is now vacant along with Vice Chairman.

Carol Milford and Jan Croker volunteered to be our Catering Officers.