2024  Christmas Party

Christmas Party 2024

The 2024 Christmas Party was on 10th December and this year took place in the afternoon for the first time. This was a great success with nearly 40 members, family and friends attanding.  There were quizzes and loads of food and drinks.

The fun competitions were again run by Sally and Andy Williams.  Food and drinks were organised by Wendy Carpenter aided by all the members who brought along the food.  Barbara Wood and Pauline Davis ran the raffle.  As usual, our Patron, Paddy Holmes was there to present the prizes and chat to members.

The Christmas card competition was won by Edward Girard with Barbara Wood 2nd. Edward also won the photo competition with Wendy Carpenter runner up. The holiday painting competition was won by Gill Merrett, our Chairman, with John Robinson and Edward G joint 2nd.